
Breathable New Bra Experience
Transparent Platform for Bra Choices
Assistant for Breast Health Caring


Customized Augmented Wash Care Helper - Extra Tags  - Complicated Wash & Care Symbols

Considered the most intimate wear, bras absorb perspiration and are easy to grow bacteria. The uneven connected washing label irritates the skin even more. To ensure comfort, many users and fabric organizations already advocate cutting the wash labels. As studies just show above 86% of users don't understand the symbols on wash labels during laundry.

Breeza has developed a smart wash band that includes a removable brand label with legally required wash and care info, a seamless anti-fray QR code that records and calculates the life of the bra to ensure fabric hygiene, a 24-hour rebound time to avoid chronic health risks such as skin itching, muscle numbness, and back pain.

Thinner. Lighter. Softer.

Top Design Winner in Design for Society/ Designs for Social Impact, EUROPEAN PRODUCT DESIGN AWARD( EPDA), 2022

Winner in Design for Society/Design for Public Awareness, EUROPEAN PRODUCT DESIGN AWARD( EPDA), 2022

Smart Management for Hygiene & Breast Health

More Caring. More Choice.

