
Assistance service for resource repurposing

CofFeed is a platform that coordinates organic grounds recycling for circular farming by engaging collective efforts. After post-processing, spent coffee grounds (SCG) turn to a better fertilizer that eliminates fertility loss, air pollution, and even health risks. Meanwhile, it prevents SCG from misusing or mingling with other types of garbage.

Based on decentralized CoHubs (frequently visited, cooperated local cafes), CofFeed cultivates recycling habits and develops community interactions for users through game-like tasks that match their daily routines.

Three features in the interaction

  1. Incentive: CoPoints gained from each SCG drop-off can be redeemed for rewards;

  2. Inclusive: Online initiated workshops between local groups that increase user engagement;

  3. Immersive: Educative AR animation illustrates personal recycling footprints that are shareable on social media.

Unlike traditional methods, CofFeed provides complete and economical solutions by bridging resources without creating secondary wastes. CofFeed is the cradle-to-cradle consideration that could not only eliminate the global carbon footprint of six million tons of SCG every year but also shift passive 3rd-party recycling to responsible consumption that encourages individuals to take action.



